January 2, 2018

Chambers County solar project now serving Walmart

After months of construction, one of the state’s largest solar energy facilities, built in partnership
with Alabama Power, is up and running in Chambers County.

The 72-megawatt Alabama Solar A project sits on 1,100 rolling acres, just south of LaFayette.
Seventy-two megawatts is an amount of energy equivalent to what is typically needed to power
about 18,000 homes.

Most of the renewable energy attributes from Alabama Solar A are going to serve Walmart
through a long-term contract, to help the retailer meet its renewable energy goals. Alabama
Power is marketing the remaining energy and renewable energy attributes from the project to
other customers interested in supporting new renewable generation in the state.

The project is operated by Boise, Idaho-based Clēnera and was built by Swinerton Renewable
Energy, based in San Diego. Alabama Power has a long-term power-purchase agreement with
the primary owner of the facility, Houston-based Centaurus Renewable Energy, to receive all
the energy and environmental attributes from the solar farm, which it can then use for its own
customers or resell to others – as in the contract with Walmart.